Primary beauty for me is feminity: Yana Grigoryan


Yana Grigoryan. lawyer by profession, Yana Grigoryan is not only a singer, a photo model and a host, but also engages herself with productions. She is Armenia’s national director of many international beauty contests. About work, this is what Yana had to say,
“Although I work as a photo model, for me it is rather a hobby, than a profession. These days I mostly work on big international projects. I also organise castings, through which I select participants for renowned international beauty contests.”

Yana is a winner of a national-level beauty contest. She has also represented Armenia at the following international competitions: “Miss Cosmopolitan World” in Malaysia and “Face of Beauty International” in India.

According to Yana, ” Primary beauty is feminity, harmony and the ability of a woman to correctly present herself. Of course, inner beauty and qualities are also important, as it is difficult to judge based on the external looks alone”

Curious to find out how she, as a model, became the national director of so many beauty contests, we decided to ask her about her transformation. Ms Grigoryan was very frank in her reply. This is what she had to say,

“My friend Nadim Ahmed suggested that I take part in the international competition, “Miss Supermodel Worldwide” in India. I decided to play the role of the national director and it all started from there. I am grateful to him for all his help and support. He believed in me, and thanks to his faith, I became a fairly successful national director of many international beauty contests. In just 9 months I managed to work with 9 international beauty contests, the last of which was the prestigious “Miss Earth” contest. I thank God, my family and relatives who support and inspire me!
Many will say 9 months, 9 contests, so what?
But I did everything alone without a team and believe me, it is quite difficult.”

Miss Grigoryan also remembered and expressed her gratitude to for their support in the “Miss Earth 2018” contest. “ is a great platform that unites fashionistas from all around the world. I’m excited to be a part of the fastest growing digital network that opens new doors for bloggers and has the most interesting content regarding lifestyle and fashion. By registering in, you can post, share, and follow your favourite topics. Using, you can establish yourself as the next big influencer while also earning through your social media activity”, said Armenia’s national director.

Yana also has a little advice for all those willing to consider modelling as a career, “This is a very difficult job. It is necessary to be stress-resistant, have willpower and a great desire to achieve something. But if you have a sense of purpose and resolve, then many doors can open in front of you”, she said.

When asked about her future plans, this is what she had to say, “I don’t like to make plans for the future. I didn’t plan to participate in contests or to be national director of any contests. But it turned out that way, and I’m glad about it. Of course, I have already begun to think about creating a family, after all, a career will not warm you in cold evenings once you turn 65”, she concluded.